Live Framework CTP #6 – .NET: WinForms Demo application

In the comments of #4, sitary requested the source code of my little WinForms application. After extending it with a login form and a little more functionality, I want to share it with you.

Currently the following things are implemented:

  • Login form for connecting to your cloud LOE.
  • Instant connection without a form, if you fill in your credentials into MyCreds.cs
  • Top-level information about several LOE objects: Devices, News, Mesh objects (TreeView structure), Contacts.
  • Tab „data“, which allows you to show MeshObjects, DataFeeds and DataEntry’s and to create, modify and delete those. If a data entry is a picture, it’s downloaded and shown in a box on the right.
  • Class library, which is extending the LiveFx’s functionality as explained in #5.

Note: It’s just implemented as „playing-around“ application for myself at the moment. That implies: no documentation, no error handling, no good design. If I got time, I’ll put a little work on that. For the moment please note, that this project isn’t reflecting my coding skills very much…

Normally, you just have to open the solution file in Visual Studio 2008. Please make sure that you’ve installed the Live Framework CTP SDK in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs. Otherwise, you have to add a reference to the LiveFx .NET libraries on your own.

Again: Don’t expect too much 🙂


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